Press Kit




Melane Mullings is a successful entrepreneur, cancer survivor, former registered nurse, founder of Aere Management Consulting, and now author.

Melane’s cancer journey provided her a deep understanding of the foundations of success which she extrapolated to her first entrepreneurial venture in the healthcare recruiting space.

Thirteen years after establishing and operating her nursing recruitment firm, Melane successfully sold her business, and is now sharing her unconventional, yet proven strategies to success in her #1 bestselling book: Lemonade! Squeeze Your Challenging Life Experiences Into a Successful Business, and through her Business Management Consulting practice, Aere Management Consulting.

Her consultancy grants her the opportunity to help struggling business owners transition to a state of sustained profitability, accomplish their business goals, build a solid foundation for growth, and learn strategies to enjoy an improved quality of life as a business owner. And through her book, her readers gain a deeper understanding of her three-pronged approach to success, as she reveals how to create and develop a purpose-driven, impactful, sustainably successful business.

Melane is passionate about helping others unearth their life's purpose, and empowers her audiences with key strategies they can practically implement to earn more, work less and unlock a truly fulfilling life. 

Prior to starting her business ventures, Melane graduated with honors from Queen’s University in Canada with a Bachelor of Nursing Science degree, and has worked as a Registered Nurse in both the United States and Canada. Melane holds the Registered Professional Trainer designation, is Business Management Consultant, and is on a mission to encourage, empower and equip an army of business owners with strategies to positively impact their world through the operation of their sustainably successful, purpose-driven ventures.

An active volunteer, philanthropist, Board member of the Canadian organization, Immigrant Women in Business, and a mentor with Futurpreneur Canada, Melane is also an avid reader, passionate Christian, and a lover of live jazz. She enjoys travelling (especially to Hawaii!), spending time with her husband and resides in Vancouver, Canada.

Her motto: “go boldly, dare greatly, love passionately, live intentionally” fully encapsulates her approach to life.


Want to book Melane as a guest
for your show or speaking engagement?

Check out her one-sheet below.


Sample interview questions

  • - Why did you write this book?

    - Who should read your book and why?

    - What is the secret sauce to business success you won’t learn in an MBA program?

    - What are the top three business books you read that helped your grow your first, successful business? How did they help you?

    - In chapter 15 of your book Lemonade! you discuss what you believe is the #1 most important indicator for success in business. Why do you think it indicates the level of success one can achieve in their life overall as well?

    - Explain your two-step process to reveals one’s purpose

    - What are three ways God can be your best silent business partner?

    - How can one ‘spiritually anchor’ their business?

  • - Give us a quick peek into the story of your entrepreneurial journey and why you started your first business

    - Why is concentrating on one’s inner work so pivotal to achieving success in business?

    - What are the 5 mistakes non-profitable businesses make?

    - Tell us about your water & diamond analogy and what they reveal about the journey to success in business?

    - How can a business owner become a magnet for more business?

  • - Tell us about your business consulting firm and the services you provide.

    - What makes your business consulting approach unique?

    - What piece of advice would you tell your younger business self?

    - What does being a CEO mean to you?

    - What is your three-pronged approach to success in business?

    - What are your two steps to effectively escape burnout?

    - What was your experience with burnout and how did you "beat the burnout blues" yourself?

    - What would be your advice to someone suffering with burnout now?

    - What are your 7 Habits of Highly Effective Entrepreneurs?



Media Inquiries

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